
102 posts

An Introduction To Lifefulness

Last week I was invited down to Brighton to give a talk at TEDx Brighton. It was the first time I’ve spoken at a TED event and it was an absolute blast. The videos of the talks take a while to be shared online so I thought I’d publish the […]

What Thread Are You Following?

Somewhere in North London there’s a group of psychologists and therapists learning about Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. I’m also in that training. It’s the lunch break now, and I was reflecting on how I ended up here. An ex-comedian and social entrepreneur getting trained in therapeutic techniques. It brought to […]

The Need For Real Human Connection

The last we spoke Sunday Assembly was launching Retreat To The Future: a two day personal development and community building urban retreat. We designed the event in order to find a way that we could create and deepen relationships, in a way that brought us closer to our vision: to help everyone […]

Let’s Get To Workshops!

We’re running the Let’s-Get- To -Workshops through February and March and we’d love you to come to them. Each workshop will work towards the mission of Sunday Assembly: to help everyone live life as fully as possible. They’re part of the development of our next big project – Retreat To The Future […]

I Quit

I am the co-founder and CEO of Sunday Assembly, a worldwide network of secular communities that celebrate life, and I quit. I never thought I’d see the day when I left this role. Sunday Assembly is everything I want to do in the world. A living, breathing expression of a […]

Now Is The Time For Radical Inclusivity

My dear friends, particularly across the USA, it seems that things might not turn out how you thought. For many this is a nightmare. For lots of people this result is scary. The world has become more threatening. Life has an edge. Those that are full of hate will feel […]

Study up, people!

Embarrassing confession time….. When I was a small human child I had 10 marks deducted in a Scripture exam because I spelt my name wrong. It didn’t matter that I knew my Abimelechs from my Abednegos- Mr. Greet still took ten from me for my misspelt moniker. Well, guess what […]

Swapping Psalms For Pop Songs

Do you like listening to things? Do you like Sunday Assembly? Well, pal, you’re in luck because you can now combine those two passions of your’s using this new Radio 4 Documentary which we have linked to here. The programme is presented by the very wise Mark Vernon who is […]