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Coming to America June 22nd – June 30th: Where should we go?

Hello! Hope all is well. Things are going grand here at Sunday Assembly Towers. Before I talk to you about coming to America, I should introduce  Fraeya, Colin and Patrick (pictured). They are starting Sunday Assembly Bristol. Their first Assembly is on July 14th. Eeek! ::clap hands exuberantly:: It is unbelievably cool to see folk as excited as we are about starting their own godless congregations.

Fraeya, Colin and Patrick with their shiny constitution.
Fraeya, Colin and Patrick with their shiny constitution.

So, in order to help get Sunday Assemblies going in the US I, Sanderson, will be going stateside in late June to meet local teams (peeps like Fraeya, Colin and Patrick), where there is a good level of support for Sunday Assembly, and Sunday Assembly can make contact with awesome groups and super people.

The aim is to build our network and lay the traintracks for the Sunday Assembly Crowdfunding Roadshow in the Fall. From emails, forum and newsletter sign ups, we can tell there is a lot of interest in LA, San Francisco and New York, so the trip will start and end on the coasts, but where should it go in between? There is space for two other cities, probably. Maybe three?

In order to find out where support is there is a Doodle poll, where you can say which other cities should be on the list (I have put the places where there has been most interest on the list – leave a comment or email us if your city isn’t on there and you think it should be).

It would be amazing (seriously, thanks in advance) if you could share this with any atheists, humanists, agnostics, free thinkers, Brights, or skeptics who would like a non-religious gathering.

It would be even more awesome, if you could to pass this post on to people who don’t necessarily identify as one of those groups. There is a whole team out there who should know that The Sunday Assembly is for anyone who wants to live better, help often and wonder more. 

It’s for anyone who thinks a godless get-together that celebrates life would improve their community.

Anyone who thinks that singing songs together, listening to great talks and helping others is a good thing.

Anyone who knows you don’t have to be religious to make the world the amazing place it deserves to be.

Anyone who believes that this one short life is an absolute blessing and that fact should be shouted to the roof tops.

Anyone who – and wowzers! – I got a bit into it there. That will happen because sometimes I just want to riff about how super life. Must watch it, I am constantly in danger of going all plastic bag and Aerican Beauty about things.

Oh, well. see you soon girls and guys. Thanks for reading! Thanks for sharing! Thanks for being interested! And: Thanks!

ps. Anyone who starts their own congregation has to be super transparent about everything because people like Rael, Uriel, the Aetherius Society and others have given it a bad name. This trip is being funded by me, Sanderson Jones, out of my own pocket (I can mostly afford because I have done a few adverts / commercials this year). This does not mean I am loaded so, be prepared, I might / definitely will have to crash on your floor.